Monday, September 10, 2012

I know yesterday for some reason you got 2 new post and NOW another one today.....

 is this world coming to???

I just have had the kind of day that I guess is one I want to share with all for the BLOGGERS
out there. It wasn't like anything to miraculous happened. But it was a GOOD day.
Tayson didnt wet his pants at school!!
Tanner didnt have any meltdowns!!
Toree only made her brother cry twice!!
Toree had an assignment this last weekend to bring home a COMPUTER doll !
This doll cries,
This doll is an example of what its like to have a baby!
BOY was it an eyeopener for her.
She told me more then once 
what a great assignment foe a 14 yr old girl!
When I was in school we had to take a 5 pound bag of flour to school.
Paul started school!!
See, nothing out of the NORMAL.
Except that is that is out of the NORM!!
I have had so many balls in the air for so long that today just had me wondering...
when are all the balls going to fall????
When am I going to have to make another trip to PCMC for more testing?
When will the next BALL fall!!!
AND then it happend!
The phone rings and one of Tanners new Doctors want him to have a few more test done.
No not for the Autism!
This is for sleep/breathing issues!
Then he wants labs.
Thats NO big deal untill they call and say the test they were looking at was normal...
They find some other abnormalities,
And then we have to get more labs done!
The Doctor calls personally and says to call him back!
FREAK OUT is an understatement!
Somehow his Red blood cell is low!
So he wants to test again in 4 months.

Cant this kid get a break!
And he needs glasses too.
SEE just a typical NORMAL day!
How did I ever work 40+ hours and still raise these kids???
Have a great TUESDAY!

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