Sunday, May 6, 2012

Girls ONLY day!!!

hey somebody had to drive
Today was suppose to be all about finishing up the laundry and getting packed- Ha.
Toree and I went to Utah with my parents and we had a BLAST!!
this is what we did..
we ate,
we shopped,
we shopped at another store,
we shopped at another store,
we had ice cream,
we visited Abby-Lou,
we ate AGAIN!!
we didnt get home until 11;45 PM.
and I left the house at 12 NOON.

What an amazing day!!
What a FUN girl Toree is!!
Just on a side note though..
You take her anywhere to shop,
BUT if you take her to Barnes and Noble she WANTS everything.
After all she is her GRANDPA's FAVORITE!!!
SHHHHH... dont tell the others!!

Toree and I dont get to go ALONE very often and do things.
That is what it is!
It sucks,
BUT when we do go out we have a BALL!!

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